Private Investigator St. Augustin, Germany | Detective Agency Sankt Augustin – Kurtz Investigations*

Third best investigation agency in Germany on the Wirtschaftswoche’s service ranking

Sankt Augustin is located in the district Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, in North Rhine-Westphalia, and the urban agglomeration of Bonn. It was founded in 1969 in the course of the local government reorganization of North Rhine-Westphalia. Sankt Augustin is named after the patron saint of the Divine Word Missionaries, Saint Augustine (354–430 AD). The oldest building of the city is the St. Martinus Church in Niederpleis which partly dates to the 12th century. This part of the city also hosts a knight's fiefdom and a historic mill. The Birlinghoven castle was erected from 1901 to 1903, inspired by the style of English mansions, and it includes an orangery and a park that stretches into the Birlinghoven forest. Today, the castle belongs to the Fraunhofer-Institutszentrum Birlinghoven and cannot be visited without making an appointment in advance. So, there are a number of interesting sights in a relatively small city. No matter how idyllic Sankt Augustin is, however, there is always a fair amount of work to do for the investigators of the Kurtz Detective Agency.


If you need a corporate detective or a private detective in Sankt Augustin, please, do not hesitate to give us a call: +49 228 2861 4084. Not convinced yet? Have a look at our references!

Good traffic connections make the city an interesting location for companies – Corporate detective agency in Sankt Augustin

The Autobahn 56 connects Sank Augustin with Bonn and Siegburg. Menden, Mülldorf and Niederpleis have access to the A 560, and Hangelar has access to the A 59.  The A 3 runs along the East of Sankt Augustin and can be reached directly from Niederpleis via the junction leading to the A 560. In addition to that, the Siegburg train connects Sankt Augustin with the district capital Siegburg and with the state's capital city Bonn. On December 11, 2014, North Rhine Westphalia, the Deutsche Bahn AG and the Zweckverband Nahverkehr Rheinland (an association with the specific purpose of handling traffic in the Rhineland) signed a contract with the purpose of connecting Bonn directly to the Cologne Bonn Airport and the Cologne main station via the East Rhine Railway. The city train 13, which hitherto ends in Troisdorf, would thus be extended with additional stops in Sankt Augustin-Menden and Bonn-Beuel and a new final destination in Bonn-Oberkassel. A connection to the main station of Bonn is impossible as Bonn does not have a rail bridge. The project is currently worth 434 million Euro (2015). First constructions started immediately after the signing of the contract and are planned to be finished by 2030. 


The better a place like Sankt Augustin is connected to bigger cities, the more companies and employees – and, unfortunately, shady characters – are attracted to move here. Expanding the traffic connections to a city with a growing economy also benefits criminals, which is why our detectives operate in Sankt Augustin on a regular basis – especially our corporate detectives. A number of business parks with industrial enterprises and woodworking industry are located in and around the city. Fahrrad Feld, the currently biggest bicycle retailer in North Rhine-Westphalia (2015), is also located in Sankt Augustin.

Divine Word Missionaries; private detective Sankt Augustin, private investigator Sankt Augustin
Divine Word Missionaries' seat in Sankt Augustin

Burglary and theft in Sankt Augustin | Detectives investigate

During the past few years, the number of trickery and burglary has noticeably increased. Among other cases, Sankt Augustin registers break-ins into private homes and company grounds with thefts from safes, partly worth more than 200 kg of goods. In March 2014, a team of three criminals could be arrested but other burglars who are still active could not yet be located. If your house has been broken into, do not only entrust the police with your case. The Kurtz Detective Agency can investigate at the same time as the state officials and, in most cases, will bring you back your stolen possessions. Please, contact our detectives in Sankt Augustin to request our investigation services at +49 228 2861 4084.

Sankt Augustin – location for education and research

There are nine primary schools and 12 secondary schools in Sankt Augustin. In 1995, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences was founded, offering degrees in, for example, the three specialisations Management Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Journalism and Computer Science. In addition to that, the Federal Police has a station in Sankt Augustin which is also part of the GSG 9 (Border Protection Group 9). The Federal Police is mainly concerned with cases of organised crime which allow or call for action according to § 100a StPO (i.e. terrorist acts).

Examples for areas of operation in the Sankt Augustin region:

  • Private Investigator for Alfter, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Bad Honnef, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Bornheim, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Eitorf, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Hennef (Sieg), Germany
  • Private Investigator for Königswinter, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Lohmar, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Meckenheim, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Niederkassel, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Rheinbach, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Siegburg, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Swisttal, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Troisdorf, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Wachtberg, Germany
  • Private Investigator for Windeck, Germany


*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Bonn are executed and billed from the Zeppelinstraße in Bonn. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on operating areas here.